Toy Association Members Weigh in on Top Industry Issues During Annual Strategy Meeting

December 15, 2023 | Approximately 200 Toy Association members participated in the Association’s annual strategy meeting, which took place on December 12 and 13. The discussions addressed priority state, federal, and international issues forecasted to impact the industry in 2024.

The meeting allowed members to share their views and concerns related to state legislation, intellectual property protection, chemical regulation, and regulatory issues in various regions and countries around the world, among other areas of interest to the industry. Meeting participants heard from prominent government speakers on the topics of trade, China supply chain issues, and product safety.

“Our yearly strategy meeting stands as a cornerstone event, serving as a crucial forum for representatives from member companies to share current and emerging issues impacting their business,” said Ed Desmond, executive vice president of global government & regulatory affairs at The Toy Association™. “Uniting voices from diverse companies both large and small, this year's meeting fostered insightful dialogues surrounding the imminent challenges and opportunities that will shape the landscape of the toy industry in the years ahead."

The Toy Association’s Global Government & Regulatory Affairs advocacy committees will begin holding conference calls in the coming weeks on action items identified during the strategy meeting.

Members are encouraged to add their voices to issues impacting their companies by joining one or more of The Toy Association’s advocacy committees covering Intellectual Property Protection, State Issues, Federal Issues, Children’s Online Privacy, Environmental Sustainability, Safety Standards and Technical Issues, and International Affairs.

For more information on The Toy Association’s advocacy activities or to join a committee, contact Ed Desmond, executive vice president of global government and regulatory affairs.